To create authentic, intimate, and expanded relationships with yourself, others, and life

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Have you ever felt like this?

“I’d love to learn tantra, but there’s just so much information, I don’t know where to start!

“I feel disconnected from intimacy & wish my relationships were deeper, more authentic & felt more intimate

“I wish I could communicate my boundaries better, so people would stop draining my energy

“I wish I could express myself more authentically & fearlessly & feel more in sync with everyone and everything around me”

“I want to experience Tantric se.x with myself & a partner”

“I need a simple, modern approach to Tantra… the old textbooks are so difficult to read!”

“I want to feel more empowered, start a business, but fear & impostor syndrome is stopping me…”

If you said YES to any of these points, you’re not alone. SO many people are experiencing these and I used to struggle with all of these problems too.

I have been dedicating the last 10 years of my life traveling the world meeting with incredible masters and studying the ancient eastern mystic arts to learn to create a full, intimate and expanded experience of life.

I discovered that Tantra holds the secret to unlock this potential.

So I have decided to share it ALL in a 12-week journey into the Tantric arts of living.


The Heart of Tantra Immersion is a 3-month journey to begin embodying the Tantric wisdom within yourself, your relationships, and your life. It provides the canvas you need to meet yourself in depth and express yourself fearlessly.


A former engineer turned yoga teacher, modern philosopher & spiritual educator.

For the past 6 years, I have guided over 700 students to become yoga teachers, facilitated transformational Tantra retreats, and taught internationally about Eastern philosophy, meditation, and self-development.

Now, as we are living amidst such interesting and wildly shifting times, I have been called to share with you the wisdom and practices that have radically changed my life.

But not only will you be learning from me. As an exclusive bonus you’ll also get to discover valuable secrets from these amazing experts…


Caroline Pontual 🇧🇷

Caroline is the founder of myfemininesoul.com. She is a Holistic Therapist, Tantra Yoga Teacher, and Nutritionist specialising in women’s health and feminine embodiment.

Kevin Orosz 🇺🇸

Kevin is a world-class speaker and coach, performance philosopher and a student of humanity’s myths. He uses his deep understanding of Tantra, Archetypes and Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey as foundations to build a meaningful life.

Manjeet Mathur 🇮🇳

Manjeet is a Yoga, Tantra, and Meditation Teacher from India. He has taught more than 3000 hours in over 50 teacher training programs. He specialises in intimacy practices and heart-based meditation.


part i


     The Tantrik Map Of Reality – How understanding the 36 levels of existence can help you to make sense on the challenges and your daily experiences.

     Forgetting Who You Are – Now is time to drop the 5 layers of the ego to find what your true essence is.

      Death & Spirituality w/Kevin Orosz – A fascinating conversation on the perception of death and its impact on our personal growth in life.

      Tantrik Archetypes & The Hero’s Journey – The connection between Jungian psychology and Tantra, and how to use the embodiment of Archetypes to express your most authentic essence.

     Light & Shadow Work – The ancient yet powerful methods to alchemize deeply ingrained mental imprints due to trauma or social conditioning to enhance self-intimacy.

      Feeding Your Demons – A transformational 5-step process to have an intimate encounter with your shadows and awaken a whole new you.

part II


     The Art Of Mastering The Worldly Realm – Little known Yogic science to master Purpose, Desire, Money & Freedom.

      Tantra Vs Yoga – A Complete Historical Review – The truth about the influence of this two systems and how you can maximize the impact in your own practice and life.

     Tantric Yoga & Embodiment Guided Practices – A set of amazing guided practices with international teachers to activate your whole system and cultivate inner power.

      The Science Of Chakras W/Lauren Taibi – Ancient yet effective tools to heal, expand & raise your spiritual vibration permanently

   Shakti Activation W/Caro Pontual – Time to experience one of the most efficient practice to activate the Shakti (Energy) principle within, this practice will transform you forever.

part III


      Integrating Masculine & Feminine Dynamics – How to empower your masculine & feminine qualities to attract deeper & more meaningful relationships.

      The Trident: Communicating Desires, Fears & Boundaries –  The knowledge that’ll give you a shield against toxicity, limiting beliefs & help you manifest your relationship goals faster.

      Intimacy & Heart-Based Practices With Manjeet Mathur – How to let go of expectations, opinions, stress, anger, toxic people & cultivate real self-love.

     Wheel Of Consent – The simple blueprint to enhance intimacy with yourself & become a Modern Mystic 

     Blood Wisdom w/ Caro Pontual – Secrets to balance your menstrual cycle to experience less pain & enjoy more bliss, peace & love throughout your life.

     Conscious Sexuality – The insider secrets to mastering your sexual energy & experience mind-blowing shared intimacy with your lover.

In this immersion you will

Finally learn how easy it is to embody and integrate powerful Tantric principles into your daily life so you can have deeper & more intimate relationships.
Discover how to use and transmute your desires, emotions, and internal energies to let go of fear, stress & impostor syndrome.
Learn how to cultivate meaningful & authentic connections.
Receive a special map to navigate conflict like a Modern Mystic so you can communicate your boundaries fearlessly and with ease.
Receive a toolkit of Tantric-based meditations and practices to enhance your spiritual sadhana overnight.
Become part of a community with like-minded, beautiful people so you can ask questions, get answers & support 24/7 for 3 months!

What our students say?


Full access to the 12-modules course

(LIVE) biweekly group sessions

One 1:1 power session with Sebastian Valensi

∇  12 in-depth modules with high quality classes following an organic process to maximize the learning and integration of the content (Value 12 x $111 = $1332)

∇ A workbook for each module with guided journaling and practices to dive further in personal work (Value 12 x $85 = $960)

∇  Guided embodiment practices and meditations to integrate the content and bring it into a deep and personal experience.
(Value: 10 x $60 = $600)

∇  3-month access the bi-weekly LIVE meetings with the Heart of Tantra teachers of the Tantra Collective!
(Value: $141)

∇  Recorded live group coaching circles + Q&A
(Value: 6 x $70 = $420)

∇  Bonuses interviews and workshops with guest experts
(Value: $1000)

∇  NEW BONUS!: 3-month access to the whole library of Workshops of the Modern Mystics School.
(Value: $141)

∇  LIMITED TIME!: a 1:1 transformational Tantra Coaching Session with Sebastian (Value: $997)

∇  Access to a supportive community of like-minded beings ready to learn, practice, grow, and expand through our private Telegram group.
(Value: Priceless)

Total Value: 3,000+

limited-time bonus!

1-1 tantra coaching WITH SEBASTIAN

This speciall offer includes a 1:1 transformational session with Sebastian Valensi where you will amplify the clarity and connection with your dharma, cultivate your inner fire for radical confidence and tap into a deeper intimacy within yourself and others.


Full access to ALL the 12 modules of the Heart of Tantra Immersion.
Workbook for each module
Guided embodiment practices and meditations
✓Recorded live group coaching circles + Q&A
✓ Bonuses interviews and workshops with guest experts
✓ 3-month access to the whole library of Workshops of the Modern Mystics School.
SPECIAL BONUS: One 1:1 transformational session with Sebastian Valensi



special offer 💥

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Here's what to do next...

As soon as you click the button below and choose the best tier for you, you’ll be directed to a secure checkout page.

All you have to do next is put in your name, email address & credit card details, and boom you’ll have full access to the entire Heart of Tantra Immersion in seconds.


Most frequent questions and answers

One module is released each week, with a Workbook and, depending on the module, guided practices. Therefore, doing a module per week and coming to all live classes is highly recommended (and won’t take more than 1-3 hours a week to accomplish everything)

No. This course touches upon sexuality in a few modules, but it is not the main focus of this immersion. This course discusses and gives tools for self recognition, radical self expression, shadow work, conscious relating, guided practices and so much more. Tantra is all about embracing ALL aspects of ourselves, including, but certainly not limited to, sex.

Refunds are not included within this special promo price.

just imagine...

Once you unpack the Heart of Tantra, you’ll be on an empowering journey, where your spiritual practice becomes immersed into your daily life and relationships.

As a result…

You’ll feel a deeper sense of connection & intimacy with yourself, your relationships & with life.

You’ll no longer have any confusion about what Tantra is & isn’t

No more shallow connections

No more blocks from expressing yourself

No more of your time being wasted living life in default

Only weeks from now, by actively engaging in this immersion, you’ll have boosted your self confidence in yourself by knowing exactly what to do when you feel “off”.

You’ll finally have full clarity about the meaning of Tantra and its direct impact in your life, business and relationships.

You’ll have unique tools to alchemize any challenge from your past, improve your relationships to levels you never knew where possible & live like a Modern Mystic who can overcome obstacles with ease & conquer the life you want.

Enhancing connection & intimacy in your s.ex-life will be just a natural outcome of learning and applying this teachings…

That are the potential impacts by learning to tap into your most authentic essence and learning to fearlessly express yourself.

How does that sound?

Think about the incredible potential of investing in yourself and the cost of not doing it. 

Right now, we are living amidst huge shifts in collective consciousness, and these times are crucial.

This Tantra training-system takes you into a step-by-step transformational journey, so you can finally get to know yourself deeply, express yourself fearlessly, and open yourself to the blissful nature of reality.

This is why….

I am calling you to begin embodying the Tantric science within your life so that you can let go of your life’s old patterns & create the life you want filled with more love, joy & peace.


1. You can stay where you’re at, perhaps still be stuck in unfulfilling relationships, and spend a TON of time, money & energy trying to learn Tantra by yourself.


2. You can take this opportunity & get full access to the exclusive Heart of Tantra step-by-step program – with group AND individual support, so you can finally experience the most intimate & meaningful relationships you’ve always wanted in this 12-week journey

Ready to transform your relationships to the next level?

Questions? message us